El Submarino the Argentinian Hot Chocolate

The El Submarino is a fun and tasty Hot Chocolate treat the whole family will love.

Warm your soul and your taste buds with El Submarino, a unique Argentinian spin on hot chocolate. Evoking memories of cold winter evenings, this delightful drink stands out with its creative presentation and simplicity of ingredients. A piece of dark chocolate is dropped like a submarine into a steaming cup of milk. As it melts, it transforms the milk into a rich, indulgent cup of hot chocolate. This is not just a drink, it’s an experience that is deeply rooted in Argentinian culture.

Diverse Paths to Hot Chocolate Heaven

Around the globe, cultures have adopted their own unique takes on hot chocolate. In Mexico, for instance, hot chocolate is traditionally spiced with a touch of chili and cinnamon, creating a beverage that is both warm and invigorating. Across the Atlantic, in Spain, hot chocolate is known for its thick, almost pudding-like consistency, usually served with churros for dipping. Swiss hot chocolate, on the other hand, is typically made with high-quality milk chocolate and heavy cream, creating a luxuriously rich and creamy concoction.

Closer to home, in North America, hot chocolate is often made with cocoa powder, sugar, and milk, and topped with a dollop of whipped cream or marshmallows. Each of these versions of hot chocolate carries the unique taste and tradition of their origin, showcasing the versatility of chocolate as a star ingredient.

Ensuring Your Chocolate Stays Pristine

Proper chocolate storage is paramount to maintaining its quality and taste. First and foremost, keep your chocolate away from heat and direct sunlight. Store it in a cool, dark place with a temperature ideally between 60-70°F (15-21°C). Secondly, chocolate absorbs odors from its surroundings, so it’s crucial to store it in an odor-free environment.

Moisture is also a foe of chocolate, leading to a condition called “sugar bloom”, where sugar rises to the surface and crystallizes, resulting in a whitish coating. To prevent this, make sure your chocolate is stored in a dry place. Finally, to avoid fluctuations in temperature and humidity, refrain from refrigerating your chocolate unless it’s absolutely necessary. If you do need to refrigerate it, make sure it’s tightly wrapped and consider placing it in an airtight container.

Tracing the Rich History of Chocolate

The history of chocolate dates back 4,000 years to ancient Mesoamerica, where the Mayans and Aztecs prized cacao beans as a form of currency and used them to create a bitter, frothy drink. In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors brought cacao back to Europe, where sugar and other sweeteners were added to create a drink more suited to European palates.

Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, chocolate remained a luxury, enjoyed mostly by the European elite. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution, with the invention of machines capable of grinding cacao beans into a fine paste, that chocolate became more widely accessible. The invention of the chocolate bar in the mid-19th century and the creation of milk chocolate by Daniel Peter and Henri Nestlé in 1875 forever transformed the chocolate industry, making it the beloved treat we know today.

Unraveling the Charm of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city, is a mesmerizing mix of European grandeur and Latin passion. Its bustling streets are lined with architectural gems, ranging from the iconic pink-hued Presidential Palace, Casa Rosada, to the grand Teatro Colón. This city of “fair winds” enchants visitors with its vibrant arts scene, its lively tango dance halls, and the passion of its football-loving populace.

The city also offers a culinary landscape as diverse as its culture. Traditional Argentinian barbecue, known as asado, is a must-try for meat lovers, while the cosmopolitan city streets offer a variety of world cuisines. Buenos Aires is also renowned for its local pastries, with the dulce de leche-filled medialunas being a local favorite.

Buenos Aires’ thriving nightlife, with its myriad of bars and nightclubs, ensures the city stays alive and buzzing until the early morning hours. Known as the ‘city that never sleeps,’ Buenos Aires offers an exhilarating experience to those who wish to immerse themselves in its distinctive rhythm.

A Brief Journey Through Buenos Aires’ Past

Buenos Aires’ history is a captivating blend of triumph and tribulation. Founded by Spanish settlers in the 16th century, the city initially grew slowly due to its distance from the traditional trade routes. It wasn’t until the 18th century, with the establishment of the Vice-Royalty of the Río de la Plata, that Buenos Aires began to flourish as a key trading port.

In the 19th century, the city was at the heart of Argentina’s struggle for independence from Spain. Following independence, Buenos Aires grew rapidly, fueled by a wave of immigration, primarily from Europe. These immigrants brought with them their diverse cultures, significantly influencing the city’s architectural style, cuisine, and overall character.

The 20th century brought further growth but also periods of political instability and economic crisis. Despite these challenges, Buenos Aires has emerged as a resilient city, its vibrant culture and rich history continuing to captivate residents and visitors alike.

The Allure of Buenos Aires for Tourists

Buenos Aires is a treasure trove for tourists. The city’s eclectic architecture is a feast for the eyes, from the colorful, mural-adorned buildings in the La Boca neighborhood to the elegant Parisian-style apartments in Recoleta. These districts also offer glimpses into the city’s past, with La Boca’s Caminito Street reflecting its immigrant roots, and Recoleta Cemetery housing the tombs of some of Argentina’s most iconic figures.

Nature lovers can enjoy the city’s many green spaces, such as the expansive Parque Tres de Febrero, while art enthusiasts will be drawn to the Museum of Latin American Art, known as MALBA, and the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art. Meanwhile, no visit to Buenos Aires would be complete without experiencing its vibrant tango culture, whether that’s at a glamorous tango show or a local milonga dance hall.

Buenos Aires also offers a compelling culinary journey, its food scene representing the city’s multicultural history. The famous San Telmo Market is a must-visit for foodies, offering a wide array of Argentinian street food, artisanal goods, and antiques.

The Delicious Tapestry of Buenos Aires Cuisine

Buenos Aires’ cuisine is a delectable reflection of its multicultural roots. The city’s most famous culinary offering is undoubtedly its beef. Asados, or barbecued meats, are a cornerstone of local cuisine, with parrillas (steakhouses) offering a dizzying array of cuts cooked to perfection.

However, Buenos Aires’ food scene goes beyond just meat. Empanadas, stuffed pastries that are baked or fried, are a popular snack, with fillings varying from region to region. Pizza is also a city staple, with Argentinian versions often featuring a thick, doughy crust and copious amounts of cheese. The influence of Italian immigrants can be felt here and in the prevalence of ice cream parlors serving Italian-style gelato.

For those with a sweet tooth, Buenos Aires is the capital of dulce de leche, a sweet, caramel-like sauce that is used in everything from pastries to ice cream. Medialunas, a type of Argentinian croissant, are commonly enjoyed for breakfast or with a cup of coffee in the afternoon.

Café Martínez
C1193AAF, Av. Corrientes 3303, 1193 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Café Martínez
Café Martínez

Step into Café Martínez and find yourself embraced by the hallmark of authentic Argentinian cuisine. Here, the quality of the food is impeccable, a testament to the rich culinary heritage it represents. The welcoming staff treats you not merely as a customer, but as a cherished friend, ensuring your every need is promptly and graciously met.

Even if your Spanish is a bit rusty, there’s no need for concern. The accommodating servers at Café Martínez are ever-ready to guide you through the menu, demystify the dishes, and help you make an excellent choice. So, you can fully immerse yourself in the dining experience, confident that you’re in good hands.


Crafting Your Own El Submarino Experience

Making El Submarino is less about following a recipe and more about creating an experience. It starts with heating milk until it begins to steam but is careful not to let it boil. While the milk is warming, place a piece of quality dark chocolate into a sturdy glass or mug.

Once the milk is hot, the magic happens. Pour the milk into the glass, over the chocolate, and stir. As the chocolate submarine starts to melt and disperse into the milk, it transforms into a creamy, rich hot chocolate, full of depth and flavor. It’s a simple process but one that encapsulates the warmth and comfort of this beloved Argentinian beverage.

Preparing for Your El Submarino Voyage

In terms of equipment, making El Submarino requires little more than a saucepan to heat your milk and a sturdy glass or mug to serve it in. A long spoon can also be useful for stirring the drink as the chocolate melts.

The real star of El Submarino is the chocolate. The quality of your chocolate will greatly impact the taste of the drink, so it’s best to opt for a high-quality dark chocolate. Though traditional El Submarino uses a chocolate shaped like a submarine, any shape or form of dark chocolate will work. Additionally, fresh, high-quality milk will ensure your El Submarino is as creamy and delicious as possible. With these simple ingredients and a little patience, you can create a comforting, delightful El Submarino experience at home.

Equipment Needed

  • 1 Saucepan
  • 4 Coffee Mugs

Ingredients Needed

  • 4 cups whole milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 oz dark chocolate broken into 1-ounce pieces

Time needed: 15 minutes

How to Cook the El Submarino Hot Chocolate

  1. Mix the Ingredients

    Pour the milk into a saucepan. Stir in the sugar and vanilla.

  2. Heat the Mixture

    Heat the milk slowly over low heat until it is just about to boil. Do not let it boil.

  3. Garnish and Serve

    Remove from the heat and divide the milk into 4 mugs. Serve each mug with a few pieces of chocolate.

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El Submarino the Argentinian Hot Chocolate

El Submarino ~ Argentinian Hot Chocolate

Recipe Author | Captain Cook
Dive into the world of Argentinian cuisine with El Submarino, a delicious and engaging twist on the traditional hot chocolate. With this rich and creamy treat, you don't just make hot chocolate, you experience it. Its fun and interactive nature is sure to delight children, turning them into little chefs, as they create their own cup of warmth and sweetness. Compared to its American counterpart, El Submarino offers a unique, hands-on experience that enhances both the flavor and enjoyment of this beloved beverage.

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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Beverages
Cuisine Argentinian
Servings 4 cups
Calories 348 kcal




  • Pour the milk into a saucepan.
    4 cups whole milk
  • Stir in the sugar and vanilla.
    1/4 cup white sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Heat the milk slowly over low heat until it is just about to boil. Do not let it boil.
  • Remove from the heat and divide the milk into 4 mugs.
  • Serve each mug with a piece of chocolate. After serving drop the chocolate into the warm milk and stir until dissolved.
    4 oz dark chocolate


Serving: 1cupCalories: 348kcalCarbohydrates: 40.5gProtein: 10gFat: 16.3gSaturated Fat: 10.4gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 120mgPotassium: 456mgFiber: 1gSugar: 40.1gCalcium: 329mgIron: 1mg
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Complementing Your El Submarino: Perfect Pairings for Your Argentinian Hot Chocolate

There’s nothing quite like savoring an El Submarino, but what if we could elevate this experience even further? The warmth and richness of the Argentinian hot chocolate open up a world of culinary pairings. Whether you’re in the mood for something sweet or savory, these handpicked recipes complement the flavors of El Submarino perfectly, creating a gastronomic journey that transports you straight to the heart of Buenos Aires.

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Venture into a new culinary adventure with this distinctive Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie. This delightful fusion of flavors isn't just delicious, it's simpler to craft than you'd imagine! Dare to create your very own Zimbabwean-inspired pie from scratch and let this recipe guide you every step of the way. Indulge in the taste of success as you slice into your homemade culinary masterpiece.
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By coupling your El Submarino with these harmonious pairings, you’ve just enhanced your tasting experience. The recipes suggested not only satiate your hunger but also resonate with the deep, chocolatey flavors of your drink. So, the next time you decide to make El Submarino, remember these delightful companion dishes that bring out the best in your Argentinian hot chocolate and allow you to immerse yourself in a truly authentic culinary journey.

Photo Credits:

  • By Taste The World Cookbook – Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.
  • By Café Martínez – By https://www.facebook.com/CafeMartinezSitioOficial/
  • By Deensel – Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=68120248
  • By The Cosmonaut – This image was created with darktable., CC BY-SA 2.5 ca, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90712475
  • By U.S. Department of State from United States – A View of the Obelisk, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Host Site for the 2018 G-20 Leaders’ Summit, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74798513
  • By Carlos Adampol Galindo – originally posted to Flickr as Caminito en Buenos Aires, Argentina, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5853737
  • By The Cosmonaut – This image was created with darktable., CC BY-SA 2.5 ca, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90645131
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