Zimbabwean Trio: Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Pie, Pie, Me oh my. Nothing tastes sweet, wet, salty and dry, all at once o well it's pie. Apple! Pumpkin! Minced an' wet bottom.

From the bustling streets of Harare, Zimbabwe, we bring you a distinct and delightful take on a classic dessert – an Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie. This rendition captures the sweet and tangy flavors of apples, the earthiness of carrots, and the delightful chew of raisins, all melded together in a scrumptious pie.

With its origins rooted in African culinary tradition, this recipe owes a gentle nod to the brilliance of Rumbie from ZimboKitchen. We’ve added our own twist to their original recipe, aiming to enhance and diversify the flavors even further.

As you dive into the baking process, you’re not just crafting a dessert, but also exploring a fusion of flavors that are uniquely Zimbabwean. Each slice carries a tale of its African heritage, ready to be savored and shared. Enjoy this delicious journey!

Creating Your Apple Pie Masterpiece

When it comes to crafting an apple pie, there’s an abundance of apple varieties you can choose from. Fan favorites often include Braeburn, Gala, Cortland, Bramley, Empire, Northern Spy, Granny Smith, and McIntosh. Each one lends its unique flavor and texture to your pie, making it a personalized culinary creation.

Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie
Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Whether you choose to go with fresh, canned, or reconstituted dried apples, all can lead to a delicious result. Originally, dried or preserved apples served as substitutes when fresh fruit was off-season. Now, they add a different texture and concentrated flavor that can take your apple pie to new heights.

The filling of an apple pie typically calls for sugar, butter, and cinnamon, with some variations including lemon juice or nutmeg. Historical recipes even suggest using honey as a sweetener, a practice that can be revisited for a richer, deeper sweetness. In essence, the charm of making an apple pie lies in these personal touches, making each pie a unique culinary journey.

Preserving Your Apple Pie for Later

So, you’ve made a delicious apple pie, but what do you do with leftovers? No worries, the fridge is your friend. After your pie cools, pop it in there, either under a lid or securely wrapped with plastic wrap. Properly stored, it can keep its delightful taste and texture for up to 4 days.

What about those who want to plan ahead or make the most out of a fruitful apple season? Freezing is an excellent solution. Encase your pie in an airtight container and let it hibernate in your freezer. Stored this way, your pie can keep its freshness for a sweet surprise up to six months later.

When it’s time to reheat your pie, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature first. Then, warm it up in an oven at 350 degrees F, giving it about 30-45 minutes to reheat evenly. This way, you ensure each slice is as warm and inviting as it was when it first came out of the oven.

The Global Journey of Apple Pie

The story of apple pie is a tale that spans continents, weaving together diverse culinary traditions. The humble apple, considered the fruit of knowledge, originated from the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan in Central Asia. The inhabitants of these areas are credited as the earliest bakers of apple pie, an enduring testament to their innovation with locally sourced ingredients.

Fast forward to 1381, and we find the first written recipe for apple pie in England. Penned by Geoffrey Chaucer, this early recipe called for a mix of apples, figs, raisins, pears, and a pastry shell, but notably, it lacked sugar. The “cofyn” mentioned in the recipe pertains to the pastry casing, while saffron gave the pie filling its distinctive color.

While America often stakes a claim as the birthplace of apple pie, the truth is a bit more nuanced. The apple varieties native to the “New World” were merely crab apples; it was the European settlers who introduced domesticated apples to American soil. Intriguingly, apple pie also found its way to Zimbabwe, a former British colony from 1888 to 1964. Despite not being an immediate association with Zimbabwe, the adoption of British culinary dishes, including apple pie, by its indigenous people exemplifies how food transcends boundaries, creating shared cultural experiences.

Harare: Zimbabwe’s Capital in the Clouds

Perched 4,865 feet above sea level, Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, is more than just a city; it’s a vibrant hub of activity and culture. Its temperate climate creates an inviting backdrop to the city’s bustling infrastructure of rail, road, and air transport. Harare’s heart beats in sync with the steady rhythm of its thriving industry and commerce, its pulse resounding across Zimbabwe.

Beyond its status as an industrial center, Harare plays an essential role in the country’s agricultural landscape. It is the main distribution point for the surrounding area’s agricultural produce, with a special emphasis on the prized Virginia tobacco. Yet its wealth doesn’t lie solely in industry and agriculture. The outskirts of Harare are home to gold mines, further diversifying the city’s economic portfolio.

Incorporating the residential Highlands and industrial suburbs of Southerton, Graniteside, and Workington, Greater Harare paints a picture of a city in motion. Highfield, the most populous of the adjoining townships, adds to the city’s dynamic nature. With an area of 216 square miles and a growing population, Harare continues to assert its importance on the stage of Zimbabwe’s national narrative.

Harare: Echoes of the Past and the Spirit of the Shona

Long before colonial occupation and the establishment of Harare, the land now known as Zimbabwe was rich with ancient civilizations. Archaeological evidence traces human settlement in the region back to the Stone Age, with the most prominent civilizations being the Shona and the Ndebele. The Shona, the main ethnic group in Zimbabwe, migrated into the area around the 10th century and have left a profound impact on its culture, traditions, and history.

The Shona built great stone cities, with the most famous being Great Zimbabwe, established in the 11th century. Great Zimbabwe, from which the country derives its name, is a testament to the architectural and cultural prowess of the Shona. Although Great Zimbabwe was abandoned in the 15th century for unknown reasons, it remains a symbol of Shona civilization and has influenced contemporary Zimbabwean culture and identity.

Fast forward to 1890, when the British South Africa Company established a fort that would grow into the city now known as Harare. Despite the radical transformations and the colonial impact, the spirit of the Shona, their history and their culture, continues to resonate in modern-day Harare. It’s visible in the local art, the language, the music, and the city’s very name, which pays homage to the Shona chieftain Neharawa. The history of Harare, thus, transcends its colonial past, tracing its roots to the rich tapestry of indigenous civilization.

Exploring Harare: Zimbabwe’s Vibrant Capital

Known for its fascinating blend of traditional charm and modern amenities, Harare offers a unique experience for those venturing into Zimbabwe’s capital. The city radiates a certain charisma, owed in part to its beautiful public gardens, diverse architectural styles, and a rich cultural scene. No visit to Harare would be complete without exploring its stunning green spaces. The Harare Gardens, the city’s largest public park, provides a tranquil escape from the city’s hustle and bustle, while the Mukuvisi Woodlands invites nature enthusiasts to observe wildlife within city boundaries.

As you delve further into Harare, the city’s vibrant cultural spirit starts to shine. The National Gallery of Zimbabwe showcases stunning pieces of contemporary African art and traditional Shona sculpture, reflecting the nation’s rich cultural heritage. Theatres like Reps Theatre and the 7 Arts Theatre offer a diverse array of performances, spanning from local plays to internationally renowned productions. Music, being a significant aspect of Zimbabwean culture, infuses Harare’s nightlife with a rhythmic, energetic atmosphere, with numerous venues featuring live performances of local and international acts.

To delve deeper into the city’s history and understand its past, take a trip to the Museum of Human Sciences and the National Archives of Zimbabwe. Both provide illuminating insights into Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods. For a shopping spree, the Avondale Flea Market and Sam Levy’s Village offer a wide array of local crafts, food, and fashion. Harare, with its plethora of experiences, invites tourists to explore and immerse themselves in its distinctive spirit, making it a dynamic destination on Zimbabwe’s tourism map.

Savoring Harare: A Taste of Zimbabwe’s Culinary Traditions

Harare serves as a vibrant epicenter for Zimbabwean cuisine, offering a diverse mix of traditional and modern dishes. Rooted deeply in the country’s culture and agricultural bounty, the city’s food scene is an exquisite blend of flavors, textures, and culinary techniques. A staple meal in Harare often includes sadza (a maize meal porridge), paired with a relish—perhaps a serving of meat, spinach, beans, or groundnuts. Locals also enjoy a variety of game meat, reflecting Zimbabwe’s rich wildlife.

Digging deeper into Harare’s culinary offerings reveals an assortment of local dishes, each with its unique taste profile. Bota, a breakfast porridge made from cornmeal, peanut butter, and milk, often sweetened with sugar or honey, starts the day for many Harare residents. Mopane worms, a delicacy high in protein, is another intriguing part of Harare’s cuisine. These caterpillars are harvested, dried, and can be cooked in a tomato-based sauce or simply with chili and peanuts. Dovi, a flavorful peanut butter stew, and kapenta, small sardine-like fish often served dried, are other dishes that make Harare’s food culture unique.

Adding to Harare’s culinary canvas are the numerous street food stalls scattered across the city, selling freshly made snacks and beverages. From roasted maize, a popular on-the-go snack, to the refreshing drink called “Mazoe,” named after a river in Zimbabwe, these food stalls give you a genuine taste of local living. Exploring Harare’s food scene offers more than just a meal—it’s an opportunity to savor Zimbabwe’s rich culture and heritage, one bite at a time.

The Vanilla Moon
8 Seagrave Rd, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Vanilla Moon
The Vanilla Moon

This place is quiet, in a nice suburb with friendly service. Sitting outside under the shade of big leafy trees, it never feels crowded even when there are lots of people. So far, I enjoy their cakes and their breakfast menu. Parking can be a bit hectic when it’s full but that’s the price for people enjoying their food!

Crafting the Unique Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie: A Zimbabwean Delicacy

Immerse yourself in the culinary traditions of Zimbabwe as you embark on this unique journey to create the Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie. This distinctive combination of flavors is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of Zimbabwean cuisine, where simple ingredients are transformed into extraordinary dishes. It’s a rare treat that you won’t find replicated elsewhere, making this recipe a truly remarkable culinary experience.

Prepare to be amazed as you meld the sweet and tangy apples, the earthy crunch of carrots, and the subtle sweetness of raisins into a harmonious blend encased in a flaky, buttery pie crust. As you follow each step, you’re not just baking a pie, you’re immersing yourself in a rich cultural tradition that’s been passed down through generations in Zimbabwe. You’ll discover how this humble pie, with its unlikely trio of ingredients, encapsulates the country’s love for inventive and delicious food.

In the end, this recipe will do more than fill your home with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pie. It will provide you with a glimpse into the Zimbabwean kitchen, showcasing the country’s food culture and its knack for turning everyday ingredients into a delectable symphony of flavors. Celebrate the culinary ingenuity of Zimbabwe with each slice of this Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie, and share a piece of their culture at your dining table.

Assembling Your Arsenal: Essential Ingredients for the Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Before we delve into the artistry of pie making, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary ingredients that make our Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie the unique Zimbabwean treat that it is. Each component plays an integral part in creating the layered flavors and textures of this exquisite pie, making it a celebration of the diverse culinary heritage of Zimbabwe. So let’s start by introducing the cast of characters that will transform your kitchen into a hub of Zimbabwean culinary delights.

Equipment Needed

  • 1 knife
  • 1 cutting board
  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 1 zester/grater
  • 1 pie pan

Ingredients Needed

  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup plain flour all-purpose
  • ¾ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • ¼ tsp ground allspice
  • ⅛ tsp ground cloves
  • ⅛ tsp ground ginger
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 4 apples peeled, cored and sliced
  • 1 tsp lemon rind grated
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice ½ lemon squeezed
  • 1 cup carrots grated
  • 2 ready-to-bake pie crusts
  • 1 egg

Time needed: 55 minutes

How to Make an Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

  1. Preheat the Oven

    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and gather your ingredients together.

  2. Mix the Dry Ingredients

    In a mixing bowl, add the dry ingredients, sugar, flour, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, ground allspice, ground cloves, ground ginger, and raisins.

  3. Mix the Wet Ingredients

    In a mixing bowl grate a teaspoon of lemon rind and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Peel, core, and slice the apples and add them to the mixing bowl. Grate the carrots and add them to the mixing bowl.

  4. Mix the Filling

    Add the bowl of mixed dry ingredients to the bowl of apple slices, carrots, lemon rind, and lemon juice then mix well.

  5. Assemble the Pie

    Grease the pie dish, roll out the pie crusts, and lay it into the pie dish. Pour the apple mixture into the prepared pie dish. Put the top pie crust on and crimp the edges of the top layer to the bottom layer.

  6. Bake the Pie

    After you’ve finished, brush it with an egg wash, sprinkle some sugar, and put it in the oven to bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.

  7. Cool and Serve the Pie

    When done, put it on a cooling rack to allow it to cool. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

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Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Recipe Author | Captain Cook
Venture into a new culinary adventure with this distinctive Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie. This delightful fusion of flavors isn't just delicious, it's simpler to craft than you'd imagine! Dare to create your very own Zimbabwean-inspired pie from scratch and let this recipe guide you every step of the way. Indulge in the taste of success as you slice into your homemade culinary masterpiece.

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5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Zimbabwean
Servings 8 servings
Calories 254 kcal




  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and gather your ingredients together.
  • In a mixing bowl, add the dry ingredients, sugar, flour, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, ground allspice, ground cloves, ground ginger, and raisins.
    1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup all purpose flour, ¾ tsp ground cinnamon, ¼ tsp ground nutmeg, ¼ tsp ground allspice, ⅛ tsp ground cloves, ⅛ tsp ground ginger, 1 cup raisins
  • In a mixing bowl grate a teaspoon of lemon rind and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Peel, core, and slice the apples and add them to the mixing bowl. Grate the carrots and add them to the mixing bowl.
    4 granny smith apples, 1 tsp lemon rind, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 cup carrot
  • Add the bowl of mixed dry ingredients to the bowl of apple slices, carrots, lemon rind, and lemon juice then mix well.
  • Grease the pie dish, roll out the pie crusts, and lay it into the pie dish. Pour apple mixture into prepared pie dish. Put the top pie crust on and crimp the edges of the top layer to the bottom layer.
    2 pie crust
  • After you’ve finished, brush it with an egg wash, sprinkle some sugar, and put it in the oven to bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
    1 egg
  • When done, put it on cooling rack to allow it to cool. Serve with ice-cream or whipped cream.


Calories: 254kcalCarbohydrates: 61.3gProtein: 3.3gFat: 1.1gSaturated Fat: 0.3gCholesterol: 20mgSodium: 26mgPotassium: 355mgFiber: 4.3gSugar: 40.8gCalcium: 38mgIron: 2mg
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Complementary Dishes for Your Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie

Ready to make your dining experience more delightful? Pairing your delectable Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie with the right savory dishes can take your meal to the next level. Whether you’re planning a family feast or a quiet dinner, choosing complementary flavors will enhance the enjoyment of every bite. Let’s explore some suggestions that harmonize with the unique taste of this Zimbabwean-inspired pie.

Nyama ~ Kenyan Beef Stew
Originating from the heart of Kenya, this adaptable stew invites you to embrace the spirit of culinary improvisation. Be it the local produce or your garden's harvest, this recipe welcomes all kinds of vegetables to the mix. Should you decide to leave out the potatoes, don't hesitate to use cornmeal as a traditional thickening alternative. With this Kenyan Beef Stew, there's truly no room for error, only endless possibilities for a delectable meal.
Check out this recipe
Nyama ~ Kenyan Beef Stew
The Gatsby Sandwich
Savor a taste of South Africa with the iconic Gatsby Sandwich. Large enough to satisfy a crowd and loaded with tantalizing flavors, this all-day delicacy guarantees a culinary adventure like no other. With each bite, experience the well-balanced blend of hearty fillings encapsulated in a crusty roll – a true celebration of South African street food culture.
Check out this recipe
The Gatsby Sandwich

Now that we’ve journeyed through these diverse and delightful pairings, you’re all set to create a meal that not only satisfies but impresses. Remember, the beauty of cooking is in the freedom to experiment and make it your own. So whether you choose to follow these suggestions or craft your own inspired pairings, the most important ingredient is the joy you infuse into every meal. Enjoy your Apple, Carrot, and Raisin Pie alongside these savory dishes, and savor the magic in every mouthful!

Photo Credits:

  • By Taste The World Cookbook – Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.
  • By Restaurant Oberkrainer – By https://www.facebook.com/vanilla.moon.zw/
  • By Damien Farrell – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1228506
  • By Gary Bembridge – originally posted to Flickr as First Street, Harare, Zimbabwe, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4536495
  • By David Brazier – Contact us/Photo submission, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4839487
  • By Gary Bembridge – Flickr: Heroes Acre, Harare, Zimbabwe, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16912340
  • By Damien Farrell – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1228498
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Captain Cook
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